A freelance job interview is a bit different than an employee-based interview because freelancers are ultimately trying to sell their services, not their experience. Because of this difference, freelance job interview questions to prepare for will focus more heavily on the quality of work and the ability to meet deadlines. If you are looking to meet with clients soon, here are a few of the most common freelance job interview questions.

What do other people say about working with you?

Be honest and provide positive examples of how you work with others. With this question, it would be useful to have a few recommendation from prior clients or other freelancers you have worked with in the past.

Can you perform well on the project?

If the answer is “no,” then perhaps it would be better to part ways sooner rather than later. However, if you know that you can perform well on the project, tell them how and give specific examples of how you have performed on similar projects in the past.

Can I see work samples?

Always be prepared with a portfolio of your best and most relevant work for each specific project. When you show the work samples, consider providing additional ideas of how you could do something differently that would be better suited for the project.

What is the benefit of the project?

For the most part, the client knows what the benefit is. However, they want to see if you know and if you can meet the project demands. Tell them truthfully what the benefits are and show them how you can make each one a reality.

Are you able to meet the deadline?

If a client is asking if you can meet the deadline, the project is probably pretty time sensitive. Answer clearly with a “yes” or a “no,” and provide reasons as to why you can or cannot meet the deadline.



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